This My Story To Became Homeless in New York>>
"Silent Struggles and Lost Hope: My Journey Through Injustice in the USA
In the quiet corners of despair, I find myself uttering apologies for the harsh reality I face. A reality where silence reigns supreme and kindness seems distant. I stand here, burdened with sorrow, offering my apologies to anyone who dares to seek justice in the heartland of the USA. Beware, for treading this path might lead you down the same road of homelessness that I now wander, a path I trod with unwavering faith in the justice system and the protectors of law.
Since August 13, 2021, I've roamed the unforgiving streets, a victim of a system that offered no solace to urgent pleas for safety and human rights. I've searched high and low, only to find no haven, no sanctuary where human rights are valued.
I turned to, seeking a ray of hope in this darkness, but instead found a web of negotiations that exploited my plight rather than championing my cause. The role of this organization, once a beacon of justice, became blurred as personal interests overshadowed my plea.
The shelters and legal entities in New York, which should have been my refuge, turned into fortresses of indifference and disdain. Their mentality is one of detachment, uncaring about the desperate souls seeking help.
Corruption and bribery spread their tendrils through the intricate web of informatics and personal connections. My own story is a testament to this, a year and a half of manipulation and betrayal. An FBI member with personal connections, a human rights organization that turned into an exploitative force, and an information systems analyst who used my plight to their advantage—all pieces in a puzzle of corruption.
I recount this as an example, not isolated but a reflection of a broader issue. The role of honesty in professions like medicine is questioned, as a doctor's oath can turn into an instrument of manipulation. Mental health claims are wielded against me, while medical reports contradict the narrative.
In this whirlwind of despair, I'm left with unanswered questions about the roles institutions play. is another piece of this puzzle, as is the American Bar Association. But even these lofty entities seem to echo silence rather than extend aid.
I apologize if my tale sounds like an echo, resonating with the experiences of others who dared to seek justice. A plea to not venture into this labyrinthine path, where promises of rights and protection crumble into the dust. The USA, once a symbol of freedom, now feels like a realm where such ideals are a distant dream. I, Ms. Mohamed, stand as a testament to these silent struggles, a voice in the dark, hoping someone will hear and act."
Be quite …. be nice
I am so sorry
I am so sorry don’t try to find human rights in the USA , You might become homeless like me. because I belived in judge and police in USA.
The role of informatics and personal relations in the spread of corruption and bribery in New York, how?
I called 311 and police for every situation since July , 2021 . every time police kidding me and other people harmed me more , in August, 13 illegal locked out the door and asked make deals for my belongs to hidden me complained again, this happened in USA , this happened in the largest country in the world not in primitive society. In Dec 15 , 2021 someone called me from HPD to make inspection for apartment and i go to the apartment with him , MS Rodriguez opened the door and signature for report everything is fixed , I called police to asked here give me key police refused it . I told them ask she if she have any decision from court to hidden me inter the apartment, he refused to ask here for it . on August 27 , 2021 judge gave me one hour to go apartment take my belongs, I said " I exist from hospital in May 6 , 2021 had mini stroke and no one can help me now I need 5 hours at least , she's said it doesn't matter, the super for building doesn't have time. I went to apartment, I didn’t found anything for my belongs. I called 911police, police spoke with super and take his phone speech with Ms Rodriguez, She's said him she needs speech with my lawyer to give me my belongs, Oh my God , She takes my belongs and need make deals for it. My lawyer doesn't find any eviction for apartment until now.
You should lose your health , mind , your property or maybe die to find some human rights in the USA or Someone else is talking about what happened to you.
Don't search in USA for below :
Where are the law and police in the USA ? Because you will discover they are the main reasons for the spread of the phenomenon of homeless , as you will see in my case .
Where are the management scholars in the USA ?
Where are the crisis and accident management scientists in the USA?
Where are the sociologists from the phenomenon of homeless on the streets of New York ?
Where are the psychiatrists in the USA ?
#Human_rights #homeless #COURT #Police #USA #Newyork #shelter #Health #Mental health
This is my story maybe help you and don’t look for human rights in USA
Ms. Mohamed has been an occupant of 636 West 136th Street, Apt. #25, New York, NY 10031 (the “Apartment”) since September 2019, when she began renting a room from Crucita Rodriguez, who upon information and belief is the wife of the Rafael Rodriguez, the rent-stabilized tenant of record for the Apartment
On May 6, 2021 (all dates hereinafter in 2021), there was a fire in the apartment directly above the Apartment. There was water damage to the ceiling of Ms. Mohamed’s room, as well as in the kitchen, master bedroom, and part of the living room. About two days later, a building manager informed Ms. Mohamed that it would take about five days to complete repairs
Ms. Mohamed slept in the living room from May, 2021 to August 2021.
On June 11, 2021, Co-Respondent DHPD issued at least four (4) Class “C” violations for the subject apartment
on June 24 and June 28, DHPD issued at least four (4) Class “C” violations for the subject apartment
On June 30, Ms. Mohamed filed an Order to Show Cause, returnable August 10, seeking correction of conditions in the Apartment. Upon information and belief, DHPD inspected the Apartment on July 12.
On July 1, Ms. Mohamed discovered there were plastic coverings over her belongings and other property in the Apartment. She called the police who arrived and advised her she could remove the coverings.
There were a number of other incidents in July: Ms. Mohamed called 311 on July 8 after discovering there was no electricity in the Apartment. Her call was forwarded to the police, who arrived and advised the super to restore electricity. The super worked on the Apartment’s circuit breaker and restored electricity. On July 27, the super entered the Apartment without prior notice while Ms. Mohamed was sleeping. She called the police, who after speaking with the super, informed Ms. Mohamed that Ms. Rodriguez had given the super a key to the Apartment.
On August 10, Ms. Mohamed appeared pro se and the Court issued an Interim Order and Notice of Violation (the “Consent Order”). The Consent Order memorializes Ms. Mohamed’s representations that she rented a room in the subject apartment for two (2) years, that she paid a portion of the rent, and that she sought to continue to occupy the Apartment after the repairs were completed.
Pursuant to the Consent Order, Respondent-Landlord was directed to place a note under the door of the Apartment “within the next 2 weeks,” providing Ms. Mohamed seventy-two (72) hours’ notice to provide access to commence repairs. The Consent Order also memorializes Ms. Mohamed’s agreement to temporarily vacate the Apartment, and Respondent-Landlord’s claim that she needed to temporarily vacate in order to complete repairs. Ms. Mohamed was directed to move to restore the proceeding if repairs were not completed within three (3) weeks after work began. The Court explicitly declined to make any findings with regards to Ms. Mohamed’s tenancy/occupancy of the Apartment.
On August 12 and August 13, Respondent-Landlord did not provide Ms. Mohamed with 72 hours’ written notice underneath her door. On August 12, an employee of Respondent-Landlord texted Ms. Mohamed and toild her “[n]o one is allowed in the apartment after today. The court have [sic] issued order for all person to leave apartment by 8/12/21,” and that she had been “instructed that the apartment is out of bounds.
On August 13, Ms. Mohamed returned to the Apartment around 10 p.m. or 11 p.m. and discovered she had been locked out of the Apartment. She called the police, to whom the super showed a copy of the Consent Order on his telephone. A neighbor then came out of the Apartment and handed the police a hard-copy of the Consent Order.
Ms. Mohamed texted Ms. Rodriguez’s daughter, Elizabeth, at about 5:50 a.m. on August 14, telling hershe had medication in the Apartment she needed to retrieve. Elizabeth texted back that “[p]er your court case and judge orders everyone was obligated to evacuate the apartment
On August 27, the Court issued a decision stating that it could not alter the terms of the Consent Order, that Ms. Mohamed had “previously agreed to temporarily vacate while the repairs are being completed,” and RespondentLandlord represented that work would commence in the Apartment on August 30. The Court explicitly declined to make any findings regarding Ms. Mohamed’s rights to the Apartment.
Below picture for my belongs everything is trash Ms Rodriguse gives me after 40 days or more since she illegal locked out the door of apartment and wanted to make deal for my belongs to hidden me to back the apartment like in email for here lawyer
The second part
Death houses are shelter houses in New York .
Seek help from social organizations It is the harshest to deal with critical situations and more human rights violations
you will listen, it is horrible I am so sorry many times for any organization or Any official in the government . and received advice to go to shelter, I tried to go shelter many times first security ask me throw out everything I have and I scared from people inter they look dirty and Drug and alcohol addicts.
On Jan 12, reached with LogNY organization they tried to help me find place and send me to shelter on 1395 dean st
I arrived shelter at 7.30 pm someone tell me this temporary room, I said ok , all the night room is very cold I did not slept and many people knocked and crowded all the night .
When employees came in Jan 13 , 2022 they said me we will fixed room on Tuesday , it means I will still for days maybe die from cold only .I left it and I have pain in my throat and caught .
I have been on the streets since August 12 , 2021. I didn't find any place that has human rights and safety for urgent cases in the USA .
The lawyer allowed me to get the key to the
apartment on January 23, 2022 When I went to my room I didn't find anything I
used before like bed, tv and air conditioner my room is empty.
called the police, when the police came they told me there was a fire here and
everything was damaged.
I told them
this is wrong, I slept in the living room between May 6, 20221 and August 13,
2021 after the fire and used everything ,
They told me sorry we could do something.
I went to my
room and couldn't find a room key ,The police who told me the room has a fire
staircase, I said I've been living here for two years and I have a room key,
they said sorry we can't do anything.
Now when I put
anything in my room Mrs Crucita take my belongs
any time when I go outside and put this rubbish in my room.
I also found this emergency bell in my room, two years ago
it was in the living room, now I don't know how to sleep or take off my
clothes, maybe this alarm has a camera.
when I go to the apartment I wait for the locksmith in downstairs to open my room because Crusita close it in March 2022
when I wait super wife entered the building and go to Crusita and bring her to look me in the downstairs
after Crusita show me she went upstairs
and super wife called in phone and this guy coming, she sign to him and take him upstairs
two minutes and this boy return to downstairs and told me are you live here I reply yes, and I asked him are you live here, he said her aunt live in apartment 45
and locksmith coming in this time I go to upstairs with the locksmith and this boy follow us
when i opened the apartment he entered the apartment and threaten me with Crusita and super wife and all told me why I you coming here
Locksmith was scared and left
I tried to call 911
the lady answered told me i don't understand you wait to bring an interpreter
I am scared and followed the locksmith and i asked him to take me out the street , he accept and i go to with him 2 minute and stoped in other street
lawyer from NYLEGAL spoke with me by interpreter
ask me many qustion for everything happened
after he close call
police call me and said you called police i said yes
he tell me where are you i said i am close bulding 5 minutes i will comming
after i arrived i 2 police man , i told them i am called yours
they called me comming to apartment
and didnot ask me anything they means they know everything happens
whene we went to the apartment i called my lawyer and asked him explain to police the sitoition , police refused in first and again said if explain what happen its ok
one of police office speak with him and other said me where your room i show him it and he tried to open and try to put key he didnot found i told him no key in the door Crusita said it in january 2022 after she gived me the key for the apartment becaues my room have stairfire
me and him go to the onther person and i take the phone and asked my lawyer i need repot for the situation because 3 people threden me and rfused to inter my room
in this time another police man inter the apartment and open my room by coin , i was surprised and told him how you opened he told me it open i told no and i looked for his hand when he tried the hidden coin
I told him you open by it he told no I told to another policeman you tried to open it and you found its close
he told me no
I told him you are liar he crays on me and I asked them to make a report, they told me this scam complaint and left.
The role of informatics and personal relations in the spread of corruption and bribery in New York, how?
This is an example that happened to me over the course of a year and a half, with all events recorded. In order not to doubt myself as I wanted many parties in the story:
A member of the FBI, the husband of the daughter of an apartment renter who exploits people to the maximum extent, knows the police staff, who refuse to make any report against this woman in any assault. This happened to me and another person. (He reminds me of the police secretary in Egypt who takes 50 pounds and ends the matter)
The complainant resorts to a human rights community organization because he thinks that it is working to achieve justice in the United States of America, only to find that it is obtaining all the information in tedious detail, exploiting it, and conducting negotiations with the other party over the body of the complainant.
(protector and thief )
The role of the information systems analyst comes in the service apparatus and has the ability to access all information and may be related to or know a member of the FBI
The information systems analyst calls the complainant and convinces him that he is a journalist who wants to help him and take all the information from him and make the most of it personally.
Thus, the cycle of exploitation and personal relationships continues to achieve corruption with maximum efficiency.
All of this is a real example that happened to me in Manhattan, in the heart of New York, and not in a slum area or a country that he says is from the third world.
# A human rights organization
#Information systems analyst and employee of
#social service NYC
when I go to the apartment I wait for the locksmith in downstairs to open my room because Crusita close it in March 2022
when I wait super wife entered the building and go to Crusita and bring her to look me in the downstairs
after Crusita show me she went upstairs
and super wife called in phone and this guy coming, she sign to him and take him upstairs
two minutes and this boy return to downstairs and told me are you live here I reply yes, and I asked him are you live here, he said her aunt live in apartment 45
and locksmith coming in this time I go to upstairs with the locksmith and this boy follow us
when i opened the apartment he entered the apartment and threaten me with Crusita and super wife and all told me why I you coming here
Locksmith was scared and left
I tried to call 911
the lady answered told me i don't understand you wait to bring an interpreter
I am scared and followed the locksmith and i asked him to take me out the street , he accept and i go to with him 2 minute and stoped in other street
lawyer from NYLEGAL spoke with me by interpreter
ask me many qustion for everything happened
after he close call
police call me and said you called police i said yes
he tell me where are you i said i am close bulding 5 minutes i will comming
after i arrived i 2 police man , i told them i am called yours
they called me comming to apartment
and didnot ask me anything they means they know everything happens
whene we went to the apartment i called my lawyer and asked him explain to police the sitoition , police refused in first and again said if explain what happen its ok
one of police office speak with him and other said me where your room i show him it and he tried to open and try to put key he didnot found i told him no key in the door Crusita said it in january 2022 after she gived me the key for the apartment becaues my room have stairfire
me and him go to the onther person and i take the phone and asked my lawyer i need repot for the situation because 3 people threden me and rfused to inter my room
in this time another police man inter the apartment and open my room by coin , i surprised and told him how you opened he told me it open i told no and i looked for his hand when he tried the hidden coin
what's the role
I am so sorry if you received a reply like it from any supervisory authority in the USA institution state