
Showing posts from November, 2022

what is the role of to find the justice in USA ?

  below is my experience in the whole year with the  www.NYLAG.ORG ,   I send this email to my lawyer and I hope to hear from him as soon as possible to know how I can find justice in the USA? Hello Mr William I hope everything is well with you.  I noticed you didn't add in the answering motion all accidents that happened in the apartment I told you in the first talking Plus all 311 cases numbers . Please add the below accidents and send me a copy to review. In January 2021, Mrs. Crusita and her 2 daughters assaulted a person renting a room in the apartment. And threw his belongings out of the apartment and changed the apartment key. When the police came, they told him are you crazy.   Also, you told me the evacuation apartment required special processing and the policeman know it, and everything that happened to me is not true and you will investigate it . Now one year has passed and I didn't see anything. I hope you reply to me with what happened in thi...

Is employment in HRA projects in New York based on race, nationality, and language? My English level is sufficient to do my job and I did it within three weeks.

  من الطريف ان المحقق فى  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission New York District Office يتصل ب في ابريل وبداية شهر يونيو ويأخذ أقوالي ويقول لى سأرسل لك المذكرة للتوقيع عليها ثم يتصل ب مرة ثالثة يوم  6/29/2023   ويسالني نفس الأسئلة واجاوب عليه ثم يقول سأتصل بالمترجم لتوضيح شيء ويتصل بمترجم أفاجئ بان المترجم يترجم كلمة  race  على انها تحرش جنسى وعندما اعترضت وقولت له انه يتلاعب بى بتغيير الموضوع يقفل السكة والمحقق يقول ساتصل مرات اخرى  I did all the work anyone asked me to do it for all processes, like new applications, denial applications,  pending applications,  login applications,  print WMS for some applications. called  4 people. Mrs.Yahura didn't train me for anything and I don't know how she evaluated me since the first week she told me your work is wrong. and what is the standard to evaluate any new workers in Heap programs assistance in HRA.  Any new workers for the program take at least 2 weeks to train, ...