Is employment in HRA projects in New York based on race, nationality, and language? My English level is sufficient to do my job and I did it within three weeks.


من الطريف ان المحقق فى 

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

New York District Office

يتصل ب في ابريل وبداية شهر يونيو ويأخذ أقوالي ويقول لى سأرسل لك المذكرة للتوقيع عليها ثم يتصل ب مرة ثالثة يوم  6/29/2023 

 ويسالني نفس الأسئلة واجاوب عليه ثم يقول سأتصل بالمترجم لتوضيح شيء ويتصل بمترجم أفاجئ بان المترجم يترجم كلمة 


 على انها تحرش جنسى وعندما اعترضت وقولت له انه يتلاعب بى بتغيير الموضوع يقفل السكة والمحقق يقول ساتصل مرات اخرى 

I did all the work anyone asked me to do it for all processes, like new applications, denial applications,  pending applications,  login applications,  print WMS for some applications. called  4 people. Mrs.Yahura didn't train me for anything and I don't know how she evaluated me since the first week she told me your work is wrong. and what is the standard to evaluate any new workers in Heap programs assistance in HRA. 

Any new workers for the program take at least 2 weeks to train,  this didn't happen to me 

I just take 2 days train and 2 hours with Mr.Solano. 

Mr.ANGEL told it should the target for workers 10 applications for the new workers and 20 to 25 for denial applications and I did all this target with different tasks in 3 weeks. 

- Is it legal for people to tell me that you were hired for six months and after three weeks they say your job has been terminated?  

this happen with me 

  • Unfair treatment because of your race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, age (age 40 or older), or genetic information.
  • Also , I didnot take any notice before they told me leave in the same day 
  • I didnot know what the reason they told me to leave .
  • The same people have the same health conditions and have been working in the same place for six months or more and they have not been expelled or insulted as happened with me because the supervisor is Spanish like them and I am an Arab

The man who make  the investigation in Equal Employment Opportunity Commission , changed what i said and it should be charge me to get my rights .



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